Born: 1947
Hometown: Argentina
Based In: Patagonia, Argentina
Austrian by birth and Patagonian by adoption, was brought to Argentina at age three by his parents, who had felt the ravages of the war in Europe at close range.
Three generations were dedicated to Fine Art. In the beginning, Konstanino Miciu graduated from the Vienna Art School many years earlier and came to Argentina with his wife and two sons, Demetrio and Georg. His two sons followed in his steps, but Georg became the best-known artist in Argentina and abroad with his remarkable skill in using the palette knife.
Georg opened solo shows in Jerusalem, Paris, Stuttgart, Barcelona, and Granada, showcasing works from Patagonia.
Returning to Argentina, they settled in the Sierras of Córdoba. Then, in 1990, Miciú worked with his friend and collaborator Jorge Bonzano to open "Sala de Georg" in Villa Giardino. They then moved to San Martin de Los Andes. His work has since rotated around exhibitions in Rosario, Córdoba, Buenos Aires, Bariloche, Mar del Plata, and abroad in Granada, Almeria, San Francisco, and Montecito in California- over 300 individual exhibitions.
The exposition "Three Generations" opened in Buenos Aires at the National Museum of Decorative Art in 1998.
In 2006, Jorge Bonzano collaborated again to start constructing the "Georg Collection" museum in San Martin de Los Andes. This building has become a must-see if you are in the region.